Check your State Pension forecast

Check your State Pension forecast

The enhanced Check Your State Pension forecast service is now available online. The service can be found on GOV.UK at the following webpage The new digital service is a joint service by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the...
Claim tax relief on pension contributions

Claim tax relief on pension contributions

You can usually claim tax relief on private pension contributions worth up to 100% of your annual earnings, subject to the overriding limits. Tax relief is paid on pension contributions at the highest rate of income tax paid. This means that if you are: A basic rate...
Workplace pension responsibilities

Workplace pension responsibilities

Automatic enrolment for workplace pensions has helped many employees make provision for their retirement, with employers and government also contributing to make a larger pension pot. The law states that employers must automatically enrol workers into a workplace...
Tax on inherited private pensions

Tax on inherited private pensions

Private pensions can be an efficient way to pass on wealth, but it is important to consider what, if any, tax will be payable on a private pension you inherit. The person who died will usually have nominated you by telling their pension provider that you should...
Pension Credit deadline

Pension Credit deadline

Pension Credits can provide extra income to those over State Pension age and on a low income. The credits were first introduced in 2003 to keep retired people out of poverty.  Pension Credit can top up: your weekly income to £201.05 if you are single; or...
Tax relief on pension contributions

Tax relief on pension contributions

Taxpayers can usually claim tax relief for their private pension contributions. There is an annual allowance for tax relief on pensions of £60,000 for the current 2023-24 tax year. The annual allowance was £40,000 in 2022-23. There is a three...