National insurance planning

National insurance planning

For employers, employees and the self-employed. Our state pension, benefits, health service and more are all funded by National Insurance contributions (NICs). These are paid in different ways and at different rates by employers, employees and the self-employed, and...
Off-payroll working in the private sector

Off-payroll working in the private sector

Are you prepared for changes to the IR35 rules? Exactly a year later than planned, changes to the off-payroll rules – known as IR35 – will take effect in the private sector next month. The emergence of COVID-19 put paid to the changes affecting large and medium-sized...
Setting out the road to recovery

Setting out the road to recovery

The Chancellor has attempted to strike a balance between continuing to prop up the businesses worst affected by COVID-19, while setting out a roadmap to wean the UK economy off this emergency support. In his second Budget and 14th fiscal announcement since succeeding...